RAB has recovered seven burnt bodies from the house of 'Darsh Salam' in the capital's 'Jangi Astana'. RAB director general Benazir Ahmed told the media at a press conference on Wednesday. He said that DNA samples will be tested to ensure the identity of the body. There is no way to detect that the bodies have been burnt in such a way.
It is believed that the dead bodies may also be militant Abdulla (45), his two wives Fatima (34), Nasrin (32), two sons Omar (10), Usama (3) and two associates.
RAB director general said in the press briefing that seven burnt remains were recovered from there. After the suicide bombing on Tuesday night, all the five rooms of the house were damaged. The fire spread in the four floors of the room floor collapsed. After the explosion, the temperature is 50 to 55 degrees. Fire service is trying to normalize the water with water. That is why there is not enough time to search for them.
Regarding militant Abdulla, Benazir Ahmed said that he found information related to JMB in 2005. Abdulla was inducted in the 2013 New JMB He was a member of the new JMB Sarwar-Tamim Group.
Earlier, at around 9:30 this morning, four units of fire service sprinkled water in the house and completely extinguished the fire. At around 10am, RAB started searching there. During this time, 5/6 rounds of blanket shot around RAB house. Then CID Crimson entered there and collected the explosion.
RAB media division director Commander Mufti Mahmud Khan said at a press conference that he had seen three burnt bodies in one room in the house.