The International Public-Court has convicted Myanmar as a state for the massacre of Rohingya. On 18 to 21 September, the verdict was pronounced in a crowded court at the auditorium of the University of Malaya on Friday afternoon, on the basis of witness statements, testimonies and testimonies received.
Seven judges of the tribunal will read and share at least 30 pages long primary verdicts. Australian Judge Jill H. Boeringinger, however, read the operative or effective part of the verdict. Unanimously, 17 decisions have been made in this verdict. It urged international and regional organizations to impose sanctions on Myanmar and immediately impose sanctions on Myanmar, seized foreign bank accounts of people belonging to Myanmar's official posts related to crimes against humanity, traveling outside Myanmar.
The seven-member panel of the Paramant Peoples Tribunal Photo: Collected
Other recommendations include 1. The Myanmar government and the ASEAN representatives will start discussions with all the armed groups of Rakhine in the area of civilization along with the Rakhine border and a ceasefire package. Aung San Suu Kyi declared 'All the groups including Rohingya will have full citizenship' in 'verification process' The UN and other agencies will be allowed to investigate the incident of Rakhine 4 Myanmar must abstain from its discriminatory policy towards Rohingya, Kachin and other ethnic minorities. The amendment to the constitution of the Constitution, including the repeal of the 1982 Citizenship Act, Myanmar parliament will have to cancel the military representative quota 6. To ensure full civilian control of the Armed Forces and Police, the constitution must be assured. To stop the impunity of human rights abusers, the guilty will have to start trial 8. Rehabilitation of displaced and disadvantaged people and their appropriate
will be formed to form an independent non-government commission 9 Under a federal structure, many ethnic groups who can afford to ensure their own autonomy, 10 will have to admit. Myanmar and its neighbors will be given access to areas of human, human rights, religious organizations and journalists in Rakhine province, Rohingya refugees, Kachin and other groups. 11. There is a trend to watch the refugee flow with safety glasses. But it is not only faulty but it can also encourage you to follow erroneous principles. At this stage of the verdict, we were told that we call upon Rohingya to provide temporary identity cards to the injured people, including medical treatment. Because, it will protect them from arbitrary arrest. 12. The ASEAN countries will have to take responsibility for the migration crisis that has emerged. According to the ASEAN charter, the Rohingyas have to open their borders. 13. Bangladesh, Malaysia and other nations who welcomed the Rohingyas, will have to come forward to provide financial and other assistance to the wealthy like EU, USA, Japan and China. 14 The law enforcement agencies of the welcoming country must be careful. Again, the media must be encouraged to increase consciousness to avoid the dangers of human trafficking. Myanmar government has to impose a fresh armed ban on the government. 16. Myanmar government officials will have to ban targeting 17. To identify the reasons for such incidents and not to know the world, and to identify the causes of the problem, an independent and neutral private commission will be formed.
Former President of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, Daniel Daniel Fierresten, President of the Judge Panel. Others are Juliah Ismail of Malaysia, Helen Jarvis of Cambodian lawmaker, former head of Law Department of Sydney Mikeyar University of Australia, Jill H. Boeringinger of Indonesia, Indonesia's human rights advocate Nursiabani Katjasunkana, Iran's human rights lawyer Sadie Sadar and current solicitor general of Italian Supreme Court of Cassation Nilo Racy.