A senior UN representative said that more than 1,000 people have been killed in violence in Myanmar already. Most of them are minority Muslims, which are twice as big as the government. He called on Aung San Suu Kyi to discuss the issue openly. The UN representative told the AFP news agency on Friday.
The United Nations says 2,070 thousand Rohingya civilians have fled in the last two weeks. They have no place to live in refugee camps.
Many people were killed while fleeing during the conflict in Rakhine state. Meanwhile, the officials said that the whole village has been burned since the Rohingya militants organized a series of coordinated attacks on August 25. As a result, the operation led by the military started.
According to eyewitnesses, the UN Human Rights Special Representative of Myanmar Yanhhai Li said, "Perhaps a thousand or more people have already lost their lives."
Rohingyas in Buddhist-dominated Myanmar have been subjected to discrimination for a long time. Myanmar government refuses to give their citizenship Although they have lived in the country for generations, generation after generation.
Bangladesh is struggling with the infiltration of last Rohingyas. Already, Bangladesh provided shelter to 670,000 Myanmar citizens in refugee camps on the border.
The United Nations said that the number of infiltrators Rohingyas was not counted before the night ran away. Earlier, the number of infiltrators as the United Nations was 1 lakh 64 thousand. But the UN said that this number has increased rapidly since the number of Burmese people entering Bangladesh in at least 300 ships last Wednesday.
A large number of Rohingyas have lost their lives in the floods when they enter Bangladesh by boat on the boat. Most of them children. BSS