Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi has alleged that India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been playing a part in division in the society to survive in power. At a rally in Nanded, Maharashtra, on Friday, he said, "Non-Jathas are being installed with the Jathas in Haryana. Creating divide in Maharashtra is between Marathi and non-Marathi Due to this divisive politics, the anger of the people is growing on Modi and the BJP. "
To the party workers and supporters, Rahul said, "The only aim of the BJP and the RSS is to stay in power. The only congressional ideology can deal with BJP and RSS. They will fight in a couple of votes. But then the Congress will come back to power. "Congress vice-president has targeted the Modi government on canceling the note. Rahul said, "The black money of the thieves has become white." Rahul said, "Initially, the government said that the note was canceled due to the rein in the terrorism. After that, the banknotes prevent cash from black money. But everyone knows that 90 percent of black money in the country is in real estate and gold. "