Accused of raping two followers Gurumit Ram Rahim Singh, accused of rape, was initially accused of rape his adopted daughter Haniprat. Former followers of Dera claim that Hanifrata had been raped by Rama Rahim as a constant collaborator.
According to the India Today report, the former driver of Ram Rahim, Khatta Singh and his son Gurdas Singh demanded this.
Meanwhile, Ram Rahim has been lodged in the jail since the fugitive Honeypreet appealed for bail in the Delhi High Court on Monday. Prosecutor Aryan, a lawyer from Hanif, said that the matter will be heard on Tuesday in a bench headed by acting Chief Justice Gita Mittal.
Khatta Singh and Gurdas Singh demanded that Ram Rahim, convicted of raping two followers, did the same with Hanipreet. Later, Hani slowly became a father's favorite by cheating Ram Rahim with this incident.
Khatta Singh and Gurdas Singh said that they saw Hanipritt in the secret cave of Ram Rahim. Later he saw him crying out of the cave to cry out. On special day, Gurdas and his cousin used to guard the secret cave of Rahim Rahim. They were in the guard while entering the cave for the first time as Hanipreet.
Gurdas Singh said that Hanifrata complained to his grandfather after crying out of Rahim's secret cave. Honey's grandfather used to be the accounting officer of Sirsa Darya in Haryana. He was very angry to hear the complaints. But he did not protest against fear of Ram Rahim and his gangsters.
One follower of Ram Rahim, named after Gurdas Singh Tura, had earlier claimed that he wanted a Haniprita son to Ram Rahim Singh. He said that the unborn child wanted to make the future of Sauda as the successor of Saudar Hanifreet.
Prior to this, Hanif's former husband, Biswas Gupta, had earlier said on Friday that Ram Rahim had an illegal relationship with Hanipreet despite being a foster daughter. He also said that Hanifreet was found naked in the house with Ram Rahim.
According to the India Today report, Ram Rahim's own son, Jasmeet Singh, In 2007 he was declared the successor of Dera. But at the end of Haniprat's words, Ram Rahim changed his mind.
Gurudas Singh Tur, an important CBI witness in the case against Ram Rahim, was an investigating agency. He is a former follower of Dera. Gurudas Singh said that Hanifreet and Ram Rahim wanted children. But who was born to save the child, was planning to hide it. Honeypreet wanted children to choose Dera's future successor.
Gurmati Singh Turi said, "Ram Rahim was against Ramdev against Jasmeet Singh. He was not keen to make Jassamit a dreadful president. Darya's second most powerful man was Haniprita. He wanted to have children from Ram Rahim. Hanifreet and Ram Rahim - both wanted to make the future child of the next child inherited. Their plan was such.
According to Gurudas' report, Hanipreet's former husband, Biswas Gupta, was formally planning to show as the father of an unknown child. But before the implementation it was shattered. Because of the separation of Hanipreet, Faith Gupta
Earlier, at least two thousand women in Dera had raped Rama Rahim, said a saint. Police have been conducting regular drives in Sirsa Dera in Haryana since Ram Rahim has been jailed. A large number of condoms and birth control medicines were seized at the beginning of the operation. Ram Rahim had direct transit in Darwa's sewa hostel. Two hidden tunnels were made for that passage. Apart from this, law enforcement agencies have found a hidden sex cave or a 'sexual cave' under water. Under the swimming pool in the Darra palace premises, Dera chief Ram Rahim had developed the 'Cave Guha' under his leadership. She runs unethical activities with women in secret cave.
Ram Rahim was convicted in two cases on charges of rape of two female devotees on August 25. It is then taken to Sanoriya prison, 10 kilometers away from Rohtak town. In this, the supporters of Ram Rahim started the tension in Panchkula area. In clashes with police, 31 people were killed and 250 injured in clashes. Later on August 28, Ram Rahim was given 10 years imprisonment for 20 years in two cases.