India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced a free power connection between the poor families of the country, Prime Minister Narendra Modi On Monday, he inaugurated a project called 'Good luck' on Monday.
NDTV Online report said that Narendra Modi announced the launch of this fortune scheme in a BJP meeting yesterday. Under this scheme, free electricity connections will be provided to the poor families by 2018. It will cost 16 thousand 320 crores.
Narendra Modi said that poor people will not have to pay any more for getting electricity connection. From now on they will get electricity connection without money. The government will give electricity connections to the poor people's homes.
According to the report, there are about 25 million homes in India. Of these, electricity connections were still not available in four million homes. Due to this, electricity will be given to all households by December 2015.
According to official sources, the poor families will be identified with the information related to the 2011 Socio-Economic and Race Survey (AICC) for free electricity connections. Other than those who are not poor, they can also get the power connection of 500 rupees under this scheme. They will get the rest of the payment in 10 installments.